Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Natural Ways to Stop Snoring – How to Stop Snoring

Natural Ways to Stop Snoring – How to Stop Snoring

Almost everyone snores occasionally, but if snoring occurs frequently can affect the quantity and quality of your sleep and his family and companions. Snoring can lead to sleep deprivation and daytime fatigue, irritability and increased health problems. If your snoring keeping your partner awake, it can also create significant relationship problems. Fortunately, sleep in separate rooms is not the only remedy for snoring. There are many other effective solutions available to help you and your partner sleep better at night and deal with relationship problems caused when a person snoring.

What is snoring?

Snoring happens when you can not freely move air through the nose and throat during sleep. This makes vibrate the surrounding tissues, which produces the familiar snoring sound. People who snore often have too much throat and nasal tissue or tissue "floppy" which is more prone to shake. The position of the tongue can also get in the way of smooth breathing.

1. Change your position.
Lying on your back makes the base of the tongue and soft palate collapse of the back wall of the throat, causing a vibrating sound during sleep. Sleeping on your side can help prevent this.

"A body pillow (full body pillow that supports your whole body) offers an easy solution," says Slaughter. "You are allowed to keep sleeping on your side can make a big difference."

2. Exercise.

Exercise can also help stop snoring. Besides helping weight loss, exercise the arms, legs and abs, for example, also it leads to toning the muscles of the throat, which in turn can lead to less snoring. There are also specific exercises you can do to strengthen the muscles of the throat.

3. clear nasal passages.

If you have a stuffy nose, saline sinus rinse before bed. Using a Neti pot, nasal decongestant or nasal strips can also help you breathe more easily while sleeping. If you have allergies, reduce dust mites and pet dander in your bedroom or use an allergy medicine.

4. Sleep on your side instead of your back.

Try attaching a tennis ball in the back of pajamas or T-shirt. (You can sew a sock to the back of the top and then put a tennis ball inside.) If you roll over on your back, the discomfort of the tennis ball will make you turn back on your side. Alternatively, to coin a pillow stuffed with tennis balls behind his back. After a time, sleeping on your side becomes a habit and you can dispense with tennis balls.


Have you heard of EPAP? It is synonymous with expiratory positive airway pressure. Snoring is caused by air rushing through relaxed muscles in the nose and throat. As you exhale, EPAP creates pressure to stabilize the upper airway and reduces snoring.

6. Keep a schedule

Establish a routine and stick to it! Going to bed and getting up at the same time each day creates a coherent circadian rhythm, or sleep-wake cycle biological. This helps ensure that your body is getting enough rest. When we become tired we experience a deeper sleep that can affect our air throat in a manner similar to alcohol or taking a sedative. Plenty of quality sleep is just one of many natural ways to stop snoring.

7. Stay well hydrated.

Drink plenty of fluids. "The secretions from the nose and soft palate become more sticky when you are dehydrated," says Slaughter. ". This can create more snoring" According to the Institute of Medicine, healthy women should have about 11 cups of total water (from all food and beverages) per day; men need about 16 cups.

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